Amy, John, Johnny, Josh & Jake
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Johnny is a smart, energetic and sweet boy.
He loves people and life. He enjoys art, swimming, reading and building with Legos. He has been playing soccer,
t-ball and basketball and is trying to decide which is his favorite. He is a very loving and protective big brother.
He is currently a Kindergartener and loves school, especially riding the school bus and eating in the cafeteria!
He has just discovered his first loose teeth and is very excited!
Joshua has really thrived in a family environment and
idolizes his older brother. He is a big flirt and loves attention. He enjoys swimming, eating and exploring around
the house. Soon, he will begin playing indoor soccer. He started Preschool in the Fall and it is really fun
to see what he's been learning!
Jake is a very loving 6-pound Yorkshire Terrier
and is a huge hit in public places. Both adults and children flock to pet him. He enjoys children, going on walks and looking
out the front window. Playtime is generally with John and snuggle-time is with Amy. He sleeps against her side or belly all
night long.